Commercial Lot Update
This is an update on the commercial lot sale on the corner of Black Branch and Dinah Place, last updated via on July 12th, and originally communicated to the neighborhood association members via US Mail on March 19th and association meeting on April 10, 2018.
This week the board was informed by the new owner of the commercial lot that their planned intent is to build a multi-unit 3 story commercial building with apartments on the 2nd and 3rd floors
The board has been doing some research and has found out the while in the very early stages without a site plan or official architectural plans the new owner has asked the county about constructing a multi floor building with several retail stores at ground level and two floors of apartments above with possible adjacent 25 space parking lot.
We would like to stress that this is very early on and we have also received an email of introduction from the new owner.
We have sent an email to our council member Mr Buffington making him aware of the situation as well as getting legal opinions from our lawyers as to the role and influence this board will have with what type of structure is built there.
We are opposed to anything that will compromise the safety of our residents and their home values as well as anything not in keep the with rural village design that makes GMP unique.
We wanted to be as open as we could and will keep you informed as we move through this. So far the new owner has also been open and willing to answer any questions so the board is hopeful that we can find a solution that works for all of us.