Greene Mill Preserve

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May 27th HOA Board Meeting Recap

We would like to provide you with a quick review of the Board meeting that occurred on Wednesday, May 27, 2020.

 • There is an Open House on Sunday, May 31, 2020 from 12-2pm.  The Clubhouse renovations are 90% complete and we would like to give the community an opportunity to view the updates.  Please follow Virginia’s rules on face mask usage, you will not be admitted without a mask and we will be limiting the number of people inside at a time. 

 • The Clubhouse rental contract will be updated and rental rates will be increasing.  Anyone that had a reservation as of 4pm Wednesday (5/27) and anyone who had to cancel because of COVID will receive the old rates.  

 • The Board approved a motion to repair the gazebo on the Greene.  The updates will include new railings, repairing broken trim, and an overall cleaning.

 • The are no commercial lot updates.

• We have informed our current landscape company of our frustrations as of late and Sentry will be preparing an RFP to recruit a new company if needed.  We know that landscaping is our biggest asset and we want to look after it.

• 4th of July - Fireworks will be the evening of July 3rd in the front soccer field. The Social Committee is working to move the 4th of July celebration to the 3rd to coincide with our fireworks.  It is a dynamic and evolving situation with nothing set in stone except the fireworks. Once details are set in stone, we will publish to the GMP website.

• Jeremy Baker and Nick Holmes have been asked to form a committee to explore enhancements to GMP.  This could be items such as paving the trails, tennis courts, hammocks by the Butterfly Pond and so on. We would like to form a steering committee of residents and get as much community input as possible. Details to follow.  If you are interested in this please email Nick or Jeremy.

• Community Pool – The Board has made the decision to keep the pool closed for the time being and hope to have decision about a plan in early July.  We do not feel comfortable opening the pool in phase one.  Below is an update we received from our pool company of what phase one would look like.  In addition, we would need to hire staff to maintain social distancing, purchase PPE, buy new medical kits, update our insurance with a rider for COVID-19 and install hand sanitizing stations. That is just for the first phase. 

Here is what we know:

· Phase 1 limits the opening of outdoor swim facilities strictly for lap swim.

· Pools may open with one person per lane, not to exceed ten people.

· The lanes must be fixed to the pool - meaning that adding a rope in the pool to divide the pool into lanes will not suffice. The lanes must have actual racing lane tiles on the floor and targets.

· Our company will need at least 30 days to resume American Red Cross training, and to train our guards on COVID-19 related precautions and procedures. The absolute earliest we would open would be June 28th.

As always if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us.