Dogs Off Leash

Just a friendly reminder that according to our own HOA regulations and Loudoun County ordinances, pets in Greene Mill Preserve must be under direct control at all times.  This means that they must either be on a leash or enclosed by a fence.  Pet owners need to understand that although your dog may be friendly, other dogs may not be.  In addition, we have many small children (and adults!) in the neighborhood who might be intimidated by any pet, big or small, off leash.  Also, keeping pets in direct control helps us with our pet waste problem.  Please help us in keeping GMP safe - for everyone!

Traffic Calming Update

We have met several times with Loudoun County Government, Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office. They have come up with a plan, but we are waiting for final VDOT approval.

The plan at this point includes speed humps on Black Branch Parkway and Waxwing Drive, the placement of additional stop signs, official VDOT signage and an increase in the traffic fine for speeding (somewhere around $200 dollars).

Once we have the official plan, we will hold an HOA meeting to explain the plan and have invited Loudoun County officials to join us and answer community questions.  We will also include additional posts on the website with the details of the plan for those who can not attend the meeting.

We have the official petition from the county with each of our current residents names and addresses.  We will need a signature rate of over 80% to move forward. The petition will be available to sign at the meeting and after that we will go door to door to finish the work.  As long as we get enough signatures, we can provide the petition to the county where they will provide final approval and a schedule of when the traffic calming measures are implemented.  We look forward to the completion of this project and will keep all residents updated on the progress through the website.

Meetings Reminder

As a reminder, we are holding two meetings this week at the Clubhouse:

HOA Board of Directors Meeting on Monday, April 17th at 7:00 PM

TransCanada Open House on Wednesday, April 19th at 7:00 PM

TransCanada, formerly Columbia Gas, is proposing updates to its facility near Greene Mill Preserve. Our neighbors, Joe Bono and Amy McDougal, have attended meetings with TransCanada and staff from Supervisor Buffington and Delegate Minchew’s respective offices about the proposed project. The upgrades include pressure equalizers that will be contained in a new structure to reduce noise. The project does not include additional compressor equipment, emissions or gas lines. TransCanada has installed carbon filter beds to filter mercaptan from gas when venting its lines for maintenance, or in an emergency, in response to our neighborhood concerns. The Open House, on April 19th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Clubhouse, is to share information about their upgrades, answer questions and receive concerns. 

Easter Egg Hunt Reminder

Just a reminder the Annual Easter Egg Hunt is this weekend. 

Friday, April 7 - Flashlight Egg Hunt (6-12 Years Old) at 8:30 PM on the Village Green.

Saturday, April 8 - Traditional Egg Hunt (5 Years Old and Under) at 9:15 in front of the Clubhouse and Cookies and Pictures with the Bunny afterwards.

The Social Committee would love help hiding the eggs for both of these events.  If you would like to help, please come to the Village Green at 7:00 PM Friday or 8:00 AM on Saturday.

We hope to see you all there!