Budget Meeting Recap

Thank you to everyone who took the time to attend the Budget Meeting this past Tuesday.  The HOA Board and Sentry Management met to discuss the current budget, the future budget and the associated costs of amenities and projects for 2018.

The 2018 budget required a monthly assessment increase from $130 to $135 effective January 1, 2018.  This was voted on and unanimously approved by the board. 

This increase is necessary to meet the rising cost of our current amenities.  The decision was not taken lightly as the first ever increase of assessments in Greene Mill Preserve.  The HOA Board does not anticipate the need for additional increases in the future.

We encourage all homeowners to contact the HOA or Sentry Management directly with questions regarding the budget.  We strive to be a completely transparent board and want all homeowners to be well-informed regarding our decisions, policies and finances. 

Traffic Calming Update

Efforts for our neighborhood traffic calming are still underway and we need more signatures!  This issue has become even more important with the increase in cut thru traffic to avoid the Evergreen Mills Road and Watson Road intersection. A few frequently asked questions: 

  • What is this costing the HOA? This is costing the HOA nothing and will be completely funded through Loudoun County and VDOT.
  • How many signatures do we need? Officially, we need 70% of the homeowners to sign. However, it has been recommended to get to 80% of the neighborhood. 
  • What about the homeowners on non-VDOT roads? These homeowners will not count toward the 80%, but we still want to gather these signatures for support. 

Do you have additional questions or want to sign the petition? Please contact Kerry Oldfield at kerryoldfield.gmp@gmail.com. 

September Meeting Recap

The following items were discussed at the September HOA Board of Directors Meeting on September 19th:

  • 2018 Budget Calendar and planning including gathering proposal for pond management, pool management, Village Green landscaping, Reserve Study and insurance.
  • The Traffic Calming Committee is still working on gathering support and signatures for the neighborhood calming measures.  This movement is working in conjunction with the Make Evergreen Safe project which may promote additional cut thrus to bypass the Watson Road intersection.
  • There was discussion of the ongoing Columbia Gas and Dominion Gas projects.
  • The Treasurer summarized the report and the current budget.  It was noted that monthly HOA dues may need to be raised for next year to deal with operating expenses.
  • The Social Committee will be hosting the Annual Trick or Treat and Halloween event on Tuesday, October 31st and would like to thank all the homeowners for responding to the survey.  In addition, the Santa Breakfast will be hosted this year on December 3rd.
  • During old business, the discussion continued on a rear sign for the neighborhood.  The property management company will be working to gather bids for this project which may be included in the 2018 budget.
  • The following items were voted on and passed unanimously by the HOA Board - Rock Water Farm Snow Removal Contract. Goldkang Group to perform 2017 and 2018 Year End Audits and new pool furniture not to exceed $13,500.
  • During Open Forum, homeowners expressed interest in receiving a neighborhood discount on lawn cutting services from the landscape company and amenity improvements on the recreation easement.

The next meeting will be on October 17th at 7:00 and will be a working Budget meeting.  No new business will be discussed and there will be no Open Forum.

For any additional questions, please contact the HOA or Sentry Management.

Brambleton Middle School PTSO

Excited to be part of the NEW Brambleton Middle School?  

Show your support and join the Brambleton Middle School Parent Teacher Student Organization (BAM PTSO)!

PTSO Family Membership is only $20 for the year and requires NO volunteer hours. Click on the link below to sign up today!

JOIN the Brambleton PTSO TODAY!

Can’t get enough BAM PTSO??  We LOVE our volunteers and we need YOU!  Please consider joining us to create the best Middle School in Loudoun County!


Audit, BAMFund, Grant Writer, Mascot, Nominations & Elections, Sponsorship, Staff Appreciation, Staff Grant Program

To sign up or see descriptions, check out PTSO website.


Donations and volunteers (student and parent) for the following days are needed to support the BAM Staff and opening school events.




If you have questions, please contact Beth & Chad Harrington, BAM PTSO co-Presidents at presBAMptso@gmail.com or any member on the PTSO Board.