Traffic Calming

For the last several years, residents, volunteers, and the HOA boards (current and past) have researched and partnered with VDOT and Loudoun County on efforts to calm the traffic within Greene Mill Preserve.  On July 4th, 2017 efforts to gain community agreement of a proposed plan (jointly created with VDOT and Loudoun County) began and over 80% of the community approved the proposed measures in late Fall 2017.  With this community approval, funding was approved through Loudoun County and VDOT moved forward with finalizing the construction plans and scheduling installation for Summer 2018. 

The approved calming measures include additional signage, a low impact speed hump located on Blackbranch and one on Waxwing, and creation of a 3-way stop in 2 locations, the first at Blackbranch and Dinah, and the second at Waxwing and Indigo.

Last evening, members of the community were provided an additional opportunity to comment on the proposed plan and options provided to the location of the speed hump located on Blackbranch.  Upon conclusion of the member comments, the HOA board voted to adopt the original plan in place as agreed to by over 80% of the community with the caveat the speed hump location on Blackbranch would be located subject to final determination by VDOT.


GMP 4th of July Celebration

Hot off the press! Read below for details..

Like always, our events can't happen without your help. Please consider volunteering 1/2 to 1hr of your time. You can sign up at Want to learn more about our guest vendor, Frozen Licks? Visit them at

Questions? Feel free to directly email Paula & Randy Duncan ( or Steph Meewes ( 

We look forward to celebrating with everyone!

**Note: Links below are not active, use above links if/as needed!


Compressor Station Update


We have received notification from Dominion that they will begin construction activities at the Loudoun Compressor Station on Cove Point Lane, off Watson Road and adjoining Greene Mill Preserve.  Construction is set to begin the week of May 14, 2018.  Construction is scheduled to be completed by December 2018.

The construction project will include the following:

1.      A number of noise control measures will be added to the compressor station, including a silencer for venting events, insulation of the compressor buildings, and installation of above-ground facilities with sound-dampening materials.

2.     The installation of carbon filters to remove odorant from gas prior to venting.

In order to meet the schedule, crews will work for 10 straight days and break for four days subject to weather conditions. Construction activities will end for the day at approximately 5:30 p.m.

Dominion Energy crews and contractors have been instructed not to use the Green Mill Preserve community for construction vehicles driving to and from the compressor station. Dominion also is providing Green Mill Preserve with two signs that read: “No Construction Traffic Permitted.” The signs will be placed at both entrances to the community.

Contact information for Dominion is included in their message below.  The entirety of what we know is also included in that message.  No questions will be addressed on NextDoor because anything outside the scope of what you read in the Dominion message is unknown at this point.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.  If we discover any additional information, it will be posted on the website.