Greene Mill Board of Directors Meeting - Wednesday , August 5th , 2020 7 PM - Online Only

The Board will hold its quarterly meeting on Wednesday, Aug 5th at 7pm.  Due to COVID-19, this meeting will not be in person.  Please see below for details on how to join the meeting as well as the agenda.  

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Greene Mill Preserve Board of Directors Meeting Agenda can be found here:

I. Call to Order / Roll Call

II. Member Comments

III. Agenda Approval

IV. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes-

a. Board Meeting 5/27/2020

V. President Report

VI. Treasurer Report

VII. Management Report

VIII. Unfinished Business

IX. New Business

a. Affirmation of Pool Closure

b. Landscape Contract

c. Security Cameras

d. Envision GMP Project

X. Next Meeting

XI. Adjournment to Executive Session for purposes of discussion of contracts/ collection report/ covenants appeal

XII. Meeting Adjournment

Pool Closure for 2020 Season

GMP Neighbors,

After input from community members over the past few days as well as clarification of what the operational situation may be for the community pool 2020 season, the HOA Board voted unanimously to close the pool.

The financial issues including an additional $6500 a month in costs for cleaning and staff to be compliant with phase 3 guidelines were a large consideration and knowing reserves can not be leveraged for daily pool operations, the reality is that if we were ready today, the earliest the pool could open is July 15th. We still need the pool to pass inspection and show that we are phase three compliant. That timeline in combination with the limited number of individuals in the pool, ability to hire additional staff to clean and separately provide capacity management with health screenings (does not fall under pool company’s contract), and certainty that we could be open the remainder of the season, led to the board’s vote.

We know this may be disappointing to some, please know that it was a difficult decision and one that we do not take lightly.

The unspent operating funds will be rolled into next years pool operations as we may likely need to incur similar expenses and we are efforting to avoid passing those to the community members through increased monthly fees.

Thank you,

GMP Board Members

Information on Pool Opening Requirements

GMP Neighbors,

As per Gov. Northam's announcement, we will be entering phase 3 on July 1st. With this new phase, the capacity and restrictions lighten but do not fully go away with respect to community pool openings. Our current understanding is that in order to open the pool at minimum the following will need to occur:

1. 70-75% capacity would be allowed

2. Pool furniture would be removed from the pool deck area

3. 6' social distancing on the pool deck and 10' in the water would be required

4. The shallow pool (baby pool) would remained closed

5. Entry Health Questions and/or Temperature Checks would be required to gain access

6. Purchase and Display of additional signage as well as safety equipment estimated at $1000-$1500 would be required

7. Additional training and lifeguard availability for pool operation readiness would be required

8. Sanitizing Stations would be required (estimated cost is $300-600)

9. Loudoun County has the authority to suspend the pool operating permit for the season, if a Covid case is traced back to the GMP Pool

10. Additional contracted regular daily cleaning services would be required (estimated costs $4000-$6000 monthly)

11. Additional staff, beyond the 2 lifeguards contracted through American Pools, would be required to operate the Pool House desk for capacity management, health screenings, and verification of GMP residency in good standing. This could be an additional cost still be determined or potentially a in-community volunteer schedule. If we are unable to staff the desk at all times, we would be required to close the pool for the day, while still paying for lifeguard hours.

12. Opening date would be based on the ability to meet the above requirements or additional learned requirements

Over the next few days, the board will continue to verify what is required to open and operate and if we can do so within our 2020 budget. With the above information and any other cited Virginia and/or Loudoun Country regulations, we welcome constructive GMP community feedback. Thank you, GMP Board