Save the Date - Lebanese Taverna GMP Community Drop
Please place your order here:
From the team—
A couple quick housekeeping points:
Food will need to be reheated or served at room temperature
Pick-up will be at 5:00 PM at the GMP Clubhouse
Drive up to the truck, give your name and we will place in your trunk. Zero contact necessary:) During pick-up please maintain social distancing protocol. Your safety is our number one concern.
There is a $5.00 delivery fee per order and $35 minimum.
We know you love our homemade pita as much as we do, but it does not travel well. The order will come with yummy bagged pita bread (freezes great!)
We take all health and safety precautions while preparing your food. Masks, gloves, hand washing, temperature checks and more.
If you have any questions, please email or call us at 703-841-1503.
Thanks for your support!