Upcoming Tree Work

Working together with several Certified Arborists, the HOA Board and Sentry Management have identified some dead and/or hazardous trees throughout the neighborhood.  Over the next few weeks, you may see or hear tree work taking place, including pruning and removals where necessary for the safety of our families, homes, and properties.  Please rest assured that all removals have been verified by arborists from several different companies to be dead or pose a potential threat to people, homes, or property.  If you have any questions, please email the HOA Board at greenemill@gmail.com.


Some of the tree work will include the ash trees in the neighborhood.  Over the past several years, a pest called the Emerald Ash Borer has made its way into our area.  This pest only attacks live ash trees and once the tree is dead, it moves on to the next host tree.  Treatment is very costly and is usually only administered to specimen trees.  Once you see the symptoms, it is already too late.  Our neighborhood has many ash trees including quite a few on the Village Green.  Some of these trees have already died, and the rest are in decline.  The HOA Board is working with a landscape designer to create a plan for replacement tree species that will provide long term beauty and shade on the Green.  For more information about the Emerald Ash Borer, please follow this link:  http://www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/2904/2904-1290/2904-1290.html.