Sealing Notice
Residents of Greene Mill Preserve,
Dominion Paving & Sealing Inc. has been hired to perform work within your community. We will be crackselaing, sealcoating and re-striping your roadways and parking spaces. This project will renew the life of your asphalt surfaces as well as improve safety and aesthetics in your community. Once completed, this project will not need to be done again for some time. We ask for your patience and understanding while we work in your neighborhood.
The schedule for completion of the work is as follows:
August 21st – Cracksealing to occur on Harrier Lane, Amori Lane, Old Reilly Lane, Coltrane Square, Hollow Tree Lane, Community Center Parking Lot.
Our crews will work throughout the streets, coning off sections as they go. No streets will be blocked or closed for this work, however, please take notice of our crews and use caution while passing the area they are working in.
Wednesday, September 5th - Asphalt Sealcoating on Harrier Lane, Amori Lane, and Old Reilly Lane.
Friday, September 7th - Asphalt Sealcoating on Coltrane Square, Hollow Tree Lane, and The Community Center Parking Lot.
The roadways/parking areas will close at 7:00 am and will reopen at 7:00 am the following morning. If your garage/driveway is located off the abovementioned streets, we recommend removing your vehicle(s) from the garage/driveway before 7:00am on the date of service or it will need to remain there until 7:00am the following morning. Any vehicles parked on the street and not moved by 7:00am will be towed.
Vehicular Traffic – No traffic will be allowed on the parking lots and roadways during the time your section is closed. Please abide by all barricades and signs; they are for your safety!
Pedestrians/Pets – Please stay off of the asphalt while the section is closed. Walking through seal coat will result in tracking of the product onto concrete sidewalks and even into your homes. This is costly to clean and is not the responsibility of Dominion Paving & Sealing or the Property Management.
Weather – All dates are weather dependant. In the event of rain, we will be forced to cancel the project for that day. You will be notified as to when your section has been rescheduled.
We thank you again for your patience and understanding as we complete this important project in your community.