Easter in GMP - Date Change
/Due to the snow, please see below details for our rescheduled Easter activities.
Yard Waste
/Separate yard waste collection is to begin in April. Yard waste can be collected with trash now through the end of March. Beginning in April, yard waste will be collected separately.
- Clear plastic bags are accepted, but not recommended.
- Biodegradable lawn bags are preferred.
- Designate yard waste containers (clearly label "Yard Waste").
- The weight limit for yard debris is 50 pounds per container.
- Limit for yard debris is no more than 10 bags or bundles per week.
- Brush shall be cut in 4' lengths, with limbs no larger than 6" in diameter.
- Brush shall be tied in bundles no larger than 2' in diameter.
- Unacceptable items include untied bundles, rocks, dirt, mulch, concrete, sod, stumps, flower pots, planters, trays, lumber, treated wood, pallets, unbundled branches, construction material, kitchen cabinets, etc...
Yard waste collection for GMP is on Wednesdays. Please let us know if you have any questions.