Reminder on Yard Signs

As a friendly reminder Greene Mill Preserve's Architectural Review guidelines found here does provide information on the placement of signs is restricted to Real Estate signs only.

III. Z. REAL ESTATE SIGNS Real Estate signs must meet County regulations with respect to size, content and removal. Signs may only be placed in the front yard of the property available. No signs may be placed on any lot or common area except real estate signs. An application is not required.

HOA Meeting - Wed, Oct 7, 2020 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT)

The next HOA board meeting will be held this coming Wednesday evening.

To join, please find the Go To Meeting link and dial information below

Wed, Oct 7, 2020 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT)

Please join this meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States: +1 (571) 317-3112
- One-touch: tel:+15713173112,,684627245#

Access Code: 684-627-245

Join from a video-conferencing room or system.
Dial in or type: or
Meeting ID: 684 627 245
Or dial directly: 684627245@ or

What's going on in GMP this October?

Cards @ the Clubhouse: 10/2 or 10/3, 7p.

Feedback from GMP's first (annual) Oktoberfest was fabulous! Let's safely get another adult-night on the calendar while fall weather is so pleasant. This makes it easiest to spread out and enjoy the patio.. and patio heaters! When? Majority wins! Which night works best for YOU to join us Friday, Oct. 2nd or Saturday, Oct. 3rd? We'll supply the cards. Please bring your own snack, beverage or cigar for a night of Poker, Rummi, Spoons, Go Fish.. or just friendly chatting!

VOTE HERE to confirm which day:

RSVP - GMP Halloween 2020.

Thanks for providing feedback, GMP! The below details are a result of community feedback.

Due to continued precautions to minimize the spread of COVID19, the Greene Mill Preserve HOA kinds asks your family to respond with how they will participate in this year's Halloween celebration. The annual "Pizza Party" prior to trick-or-treating is a widely attended event, and will have many updates this year including starting earlier and having the ability to pre-purchase individual pizza(s)!

As far as trick-or-treating, GMP respectfully asks for increased parental supervision to keep it fun and safe for all our children. Please enforce the following with your family:

  • Trick-or-Treat hours of 6p - 8p

  • Be mindful of social distancing and stay in small groups

  • Widely encourage a costume that INCLUDES a mask

  • ONLY approach houses that have front porch lights ON and/or tables set-up in front of the house


What's going on in GMP this September?

Lots! With a new start to the school year and shifting at-home routines, let's celebrate the change!

For the kids.. "Back to School" weekend includes:

Sat., Sept 5:

  • Dinner's covered! Red's BBQ & Pizzeria Food Truck will be taking orders from 5p-7-ish for BYO ordering (at truck and online pre-orders). Preview their menu here. More menu details to come!

  • Make a night of it, spread out and picnic on the Green or just join us for a movie. We'll show a short flick starting at 7p and the main feature, "School of Rock" closer to 7:30p.

Sun., Sept 6:

  • Arcola VFD will return for another "Wash Down" at 11a.

  • Kona Ice will serve up sweet treats between 11a-1p. Please BYO at the truck. (Note: Yay GMP teachers, no charge for your continued service!!)

For the adults.. something new! Our first (hopefully annual) GMP Oktoberfest is on Sat., Sept. 19 at 6p!

  • Adults (21+) are welcome to join us at Clubhouse and on the Clubhouse patio for complementary pretzels/beer cheese and BYO Lake Anne Brew House beer/non-alcoholic beverage or local wine.

  • We highly encourage socially distanced seating and festive attire!

  • RSVP kindly requested here!

  • In addition, to support those not comfortable to sip and stay, Lake Anne will accept online pre-orders so folks can pick up their own growlers at the Clubhouse.

On behalf of GMP, we look forward to these September happenings, and hope you'll join us!

Ready to schedule your next event at the clubhouse?

We have recently added the ability to select your event date to help with securing your event date!

To get started, visit and select “Rent the Clubhouse”. At this time rental fees and deposit fees will still require mailing checks to Kevin Miller at Sentry Management, but we hope to add the ability to pay directly via our community site.